employees …Within the Icahn Institute for Genomics and Multiscale Biology
Mission: Better software for biomedicine
Example: somatic variant calling
Example: Broad Institute's recommendations:
A gentle introduction to the world of bioinfomatics software:
First encounter with the most used sequence aligner.
$ bwa -h [main] unrecognized command '-h'
$ bwa --help [main] unrecognized command '--help'
$ bwa -help [main] unrecognized command '-help'
$ bwa help [main] unrecognized command 'help'
$ bwa WTF! [main] unrecognized command 'WTF!'
$ bwa Program: bwa (alignment via Burrows-Wheeler transformation) Version: 0.7.10-r789 Contact: Heng Li <lh3@sanger.ac.uk> Usage: bwa <command> [options] Command: index index sequences in the FASTA format mem BWA-MEM algorithm fastmap identify super-maximal exact matches ...
Don't assume anything:
$ samtools index some-non-existing-file.bam [E::hts_open] fail to open file 'some-non-existing-file.bam'
$ echo $? 0
There is always more …
$ ./somaticsniper -h
./somaticsniper: invalid option -- 'h'
Unrecognizd option '-?'.
$ samtools -help
-s FLOAT integer part sets seed of random number generator [0]; rest sets
fraction of templates to subsample [no subsampling]
##### ERROR MESSAGE: Lexicographically sorted human genome sequence detected in reference.
##### ERROR For safety's sake the GATK requires human contigs in karyotypic order: 1, 2, ..., 10, 11, ..., 20, 21, 22, X, Y with M either leading or trailing these contigs.
Need to run 100s of tools, make parameters vary, over 1000s of samples, and
A lot of them.
, etc.)So, yes, a new one, with these goals:
with a sane implementation language: OCaml.
Software kills people.
We are pathetically 40 years behind on the safety/security front.
OCaml is:
“Keep Track of Experimental Workflows”
In the 2.0.0
, in opam
since last weekend:
, or “Python” backendsTested with big bioinformatics pipelines, but also running backups, building documentation …
Read-only Live Demo:
let make_backup ?(gpg=true) ?(dest_base="/tmp/backup") ~host ~dir () = let destination ext = file ~host (sprintf "%s.%s" dest_base ext) in let targz = destination "tar.gz" in let make_targz = target ~done_when:targz#exists "make-tar.gz" ~make:(daemonize ~host Program.( shf "cd %s/../" dir && shf "tar cfz '%s' '%s'" targz#path (Filename.basename dir))) in let md5 = destination "md5" in let md5_targz = target ~done_when:md5#exists "md5-of-targz" ~depends_on:[make_targz] ~make:(daemonize ~host Program.(shf "md5sum '%s' > '%s'" targz#path md5#path)) in let gpg_targets () = let gpg = destination "tar.gz.gpg" in let make_it = target "gpg-of-targz" ~done_when:gpg#exists ~depends_on:[make_targz; md5_targz] ~make:(daemonize ~host Program.( sh ". ~/.backup_passphrase" && shf "gpg -c --passphrase $BACKUP_PASSPHRASE -o '%s' '%s'" gpg#path targz#path)) in let clean_up = target "rm-tar.gz" ~depends_on:[make_it] ~make:(daemonize ~host (Program.shf "rm -f '%s'" targz#path )) in [make_it; clean_up] in let common_ancestor = let depends_on = if gpg then gpg_targets () else [make_targz; md5_targz] in target "make-targz common ancestor" ~depends_on in Ketrew.Client.submit common_ancestor
Reusable bioinformatics pipelines using Ketrew.
Organized in an OCaml library, with modules, a build system, and all
Dynamic linking + first class modules:
Fully jump on the PPX bandwagon:
everywhere + functors to force versioning rleonid/bisect_ppx
's very fresh PPX syntaxAnd …
State machine encoded with sub-typing
type passive = [ `Passive of log ] type active = [ `Active of (passive history * [ `User | `Dependency of id ])] type evaluating_condition = [ | active | `Tried_to_eval_condition of evaluating_condition history ] type already_done = [ | `Already_done of evaluating_condition history ] ... type killable_state = [ | passive | evaluating_condition | building | starting | running ] type killing = [ | `Killing of killable_state history | `Tried_to_kill of killing history ] ... type t = [ | killing | killed | killable_state | successful_run | finishing_state | finished ]
⇒ Pure/total/exceptionless
val transition: state -> (do_some_io * (some_io_result -> state))
⇒ There is a test that traverses all the edges and draws a dot-graph
stack-overflowing on Chrome)type _ t = | Fastq_gz: File.t -> fastq_gz t | Fastq: File.t -> fastq t | Bam_sample: string * bam -> bam t | Bam_to_fastq: [ `Single | `Paired ] * bam t -> fastq_sample t | Paired_end_sample: string * fastq t * fastq t -> fastq_sample t | Single_end_sample: string * fastq t -> fastq_sample t | Gunzip_concat: fastq_gz t list -> fastq t | Concat_text: fastq t list -> fastq t | Star: fastq_sample t -> bam t | Hisat: fastq_sample t -> bam t | Bwa: bwa_params * fastq_sample t -> bam t | Bwa_mem: bwa_params * fastq_sample t -> bam t | Gatk_indel_realigner: bam t -> bam t | Picard_mark_duplicates: Picard.Mark_duplicates_settings.t * bam t -> bam t | Gatk_bqsr: bam t -> bam t | Bam_pair: bam t * bam t -> bam_pair t | Somatic_variant_caller: Somatic_variant_caller.t * bam_pair t -> vcf t | Germline_variant_caller: Germline_variant_caller.t * bam t -> vcf t
Typed bioinformatics pipelines!
let pipeline_example ~normal_fastqs ~tumor_fastqs ~dataset = let open Biokepi_pipeline.Construct in let normal = input_fastq ~dataset normal_fastqs in let tumor = input_fastq ~dataset tumor_fastqs in let bam_pair ?gap_open_penalty ?gap_extension_penalty () = let normal = bwa ?gap_open_penalty ?gap_extension_penalty normal |> gatk_indel_realigner in let tumor = bwa ?gap_open_penalty ?gap_extension_penalty tumor |> gatk_indel_realigner in pair ~normal ~tumor in let bam_pairs = [ bam_pair (); bam_pair ~gap_open_penalty:10 ~gap_extension_penalty:7 (); ] in let vcfs = List.concat_map bam_pairs ~f:(fun bam_pair -> [ mutect bam_pair; somaticsniper bam_pair; somaticsniper ~prior_probability:0.001 ~theta:0.95 bam_pair; varscan bam_pair;]) in vcfs
Compiled to more than 3000 Ketrew targets, JSON-pipeline registration in a DB, …
Runs for days, then posts to
utop> IO.read_file;; - : string -> (string, [> `IO of [> `Read_file_exn of string * exn ] ]) Deferred_result.t utop> IO.write_file;; - : string -> content:string -> (unit, [> `IO of [> `Write_file_exn of string * exn ] ]) Deferred_result.t utop> System.with_timeout;; - : float -> f:(unit -> ('a, [> `System of [> `With_timeout of float ] * [> `Exn of exn ] | `Timeout of float ] as 'error) Deferred_result.t) -> ('a, 'error) Deferred_result.t
utop> let dumb_copy_with_timeout ~seconds ~src ~dest = System.with_timeout seconds ~f:(fun () -> IO.read_file src >>= fun content -> IO.write_file dest ~content );; val dumb_copy_with_timeout : seconds:float -> src:string -> dest:string -> (unit, [> `IO of [> `Read_file_exn of string * exn | `Write_file_exn of string * exn ] | `System of [> `With_timeout of float ] * [> `Exn of exn ] | `Timeout of float ]) Deferred_result.t
Kinda looks like algebraic effects …
→ Make sure all “systems” and “network” are handled errors within the state machine.
module Run_automaton : sig val step : t -> (bool, [> `Database of Trakeva.Error.t | `Database_unavailable of string | `Missing_data of Ketrew_pure.Target.id | `Target of [> `Deserilization of string ] ]) Deferred_result.t
Now more fashionable with algebraic effects?
Thanks! Questions?
pointersIt uploads reports to AWS without your consent.
-et,--phone_home Run reporting mode (NO_ET|AWS| STDOUT)
-K,--gatk_key GATK key file required to run with -et NO_ET
Done with
which is a bunch of hacks on top of
generating a
Fri, 04 Sep 2015 11:07:08 -0700