
A Workflow Engine
For Big & Messy Pipelines

Sebastien Mondet,
Compose Conference,
Jan 31, 2015.

Mount Sinai


Mount Sinai

  • Among 37_000 employees …
  • We are a 10 person lab in the School of Medicine.

Hammer Lab

Within the Icahn Institute for Genomics and Multiscale Biology

Mission: Better software for biomedicine

  • Infrastructure:
    • Maintain a Hadoop Cluster
  • Tools:
    • Craft high-quality FOSS for common workloads in biomedicine
  • Science:
    • Use the tools – Do science
    • Develop novel therapeutics or diagnostics
    • Improve outcomes and reduce costs

Bioinformatics Workflows

Example: somatic variant calling

  • Sequence DNA for a tumor and a normal sample
  • Find differences: “variants”
  • Example application: Cancer Immunotherapy
    • Somatic variants → Mutated proteins → distinctive antigens
    • ⇒ Use the mutated regions of cancer proteins to make a peptide vaccine
      i.e. guide the immune system in the right direction.

A Variant

Variant on Pileup

Immune System

T-Cells And Stuff

Bioinformatics Workflows

Example: Broad Institute's recommendations:


Bioinformatics Vs Software Engineering

A gentle introduction to the world of bioinfomatics software:
First encounter with the most used sequence aligner.

 $ bwa -h
[main] unrecognized command '-h'
 $ bwa --help
[main] unrecognized command '--help'
 $ bwa -help
[main] unrecognized command '-help'
 $ bwa help
[main] unrecognized command 'help'
 $ bwa WTF!
[main] unrecognized command 'WTF!'
 $ bwa
Program: bwa (alignment via Burrows-Wheeler transformation)
Version: 0.7.10-r789
Contact: Heng Li <>

Usage:   bwa <command> [options]

Command: index         index sequences in the FASTA format
         mem           BWA-MEM algorithm
         fastmap       identify super-maximal exact matches

Bioinformatics Vs Software Engineering

Don't assume anything:

 $ samtools index some-non-existing-file.bam
[E::hts_open] fail to open file 'some-non-existing-file.bam'
 $ echo $?

Bioinformatics Vs Software Engineering

GATK partying like it's Windows 3.1:

##### ERROR MESSAGE: Couldn't read file
      because The interval file
      does not have one of the supported extensions (.bed, .list, .picard,
      .interval_list, or .intervals). Please rename your file with the
      appropriate extension. If
      is NOT supposed to be a file, please move or rename the file at location

This variant caller did something:

 $ ./somaticsniper -h
./somaticsniper: invalid option -- 'h'
Unrecognizd option '-?'.
  • and don't get me started on Casava and its HTML “report” …
  • or The Broad Institute's licensing …

Workflow Engines

Need to run 100s of tools, make parameters vary, over 1000s of samples, and

  • add new tools
  • adapt to new versions
  • install software
  • assume anything can randomly fail for obscure reasons
  • optimize infrastructure usage
  • deal with other adverse conditions (firewalls, VPNs, etc.)
  • make reproducible research easier

Workflow Engines

A lot of them.

  • often specific to a platform (e.g. Hadoop)
  • not flexible
  • lots of assumptions (networks, file-systems, can make, etc.)
  • custom DSLs (yet another half-baked Turing-complete language)
  • no fault tolerance
  • buggy


So, yes, a new one, with these goals:

  • Embedded DSL → highly hackable workflows
  • Multiple backends → extensible
  • Correct & fault-tolerant
  • Standalone or client-server → work around sys-admins

with a sane implementation language: OCaml.

Why OCaml?

Software kills people.
We are pathetically 40 years behind on the safety/security front.


Why OCaml?

OCaml is:

  • mature and evolving
    → code from the 90's + GADTs + subtyping + modules
  • rich and strict type system
    → express safety/security lightweight theorems
  • focus on readability
    → ask Yaron / Jane St
  • fast, portable, hackable
  • future-friendly: start replacing some modules with Coq-extracted code


“Keep Track of Experimental Workflows”

  • EDSL/library to write programs that build workflows/pipelines
  • A separate application, The “Engine”, orchestrates those workflows


In 0.0.0:

  • EDSL trying to be usable by OCaml beginners
  • Client-server (HTTPS + JSON) and standalone modes
  • Implementation of the engine (naive/slow but hackable/testable)
  • A command-line client
  • LSF, PBS, nohup/setsid, or “Python” backends
    + plugin infrastructure to add backends

Coming next:

  • Faster + cleaner engine
  • (G)UI, a bit surprised by our own usage
    (3000+ targets for 1 workflow)

Using It

Tested with bioinformatics pipelines, but also running backups, building documentation …

let run_command_with_lsf ~queue cmd =
  let open Ketrew.EDSL in
  let host = 
    Host.parse "ssh://MyLSFCluster/pathto/ketrew-playground/?shell=bash"_uri in
  target "run_command_with_lsf"
    ~make:(lsf ( cmd)
             ~queue ~wall_limit:"1:30" ~processors:(`Min_max (1,1)) ~host)
let fail_because_of_condition ~host =
  let open Ketrew.EDSL in
  let make_target ~cmd =
    target ~make:(daemonize ~using:`Python_daemon Program.(sh cmd) ~host)
  let target_with_condition =
    let impossible_file = file ~host "/some-inexistent-file" in 
    make_target "Failing-target"
      ~cmd:"ls /tmp"
  make_target "Won't-run because of failed dependency"
    ~cmd:"ls /tmp"
    ~dependencies:[ target_with_condition ]

Some Cool Stuff

State machine encoded with sub-typing


Structural Sub-Typing of States

module Starting : sig
  type t = [
    | `Starting of Building.t History.t
    | `Tried_to_start of (t History.t * Run_bookkeeping.t)
module Running : sig
  type t = [
    | `Started_running of (Starting.t History.t * Run_bookkeeping.t)
    | `Still_running of (t History.t * Run_bookkeeping.t)
module Killable_state : sig
  type t = [
    | `Passive of Log.t
    | `Active of (Passive.t History.t * ...)
    | `Building of Active.t History.t
    | `Still_building of Building.t History.t
    | `Starting of (Building.t) History.t


val transition: state -> (do_some_io * some_io_result update_state) 

GADTs, Hammers, and Nails

We have open-sourced hammerlab/biokepi.

type _ t =
  | Fastq_gz: File.t -> fastq_gz  t
  | Fastq: File.t -> fastq  t
  | Paired_end_sample: string * fastq  t * fastq  t -> fastq_sample  t
  | Single_end_sample: string * fastq  t -> fastq_sample  t
  | Gunzip_concat: fastq_gz  t list -> fastq  t
  | Concat_text: fastq  t list -> fastq  t
  | Bwa: bwa_params * fastq_sample  t -> bam  t
  | Gatk_indel_realigner: bam t -> bam t
  | Picard_mark_duplicates: bam t -> bam t
  | Gatk_bqsr: bam t -> bam t
  | Bam_pair: bam  t * bam  t -> bam_pair  t
  | Mutect: bam_pair  t -> vcf  t
  | Somaticsniper: [ `S of float ] * [ `T of float ] * bam_pair  t -> vcf  t
  | Varscan: [`Adjust_mapq of int option] * bam_pair t -> vcf t

Typed bioinformatics pipelines!

Compiling Pipelines

let pipeline_example ~normal_fastqs ~tumor_fastqs ~dataset =
  let open Biokepi_pipeline.Construct in
  let normal = input_fastq ~dataset normal_fastqs in
  let tumor = input_fastq ~dataset tumor_fastqs in
  let bam_pair ?gap_open_penalty ?gap_extension_penalty () =
    let normal =
      bwa ?gap_open_penalty ?gap_extension_penalty normal |> gatk_indel_realigner in
    let tumor =
      bwa ?gap_open_penalty ?gap_extension_penalty tumor |> gatk_indel_realigner in
    pair ~normal ~tumor in
  let bam_pairs = [
    bam_pair ();
    bam_pair ~gap_open_penalty:10 ~gap_extension_penalty:7 ();
  ] in
  let vcfs =
    List.concat_map bam_pairs ~f:(fun bam_pair -> [
          mutect bam_pair;
          somaticsniper bam_pair;
          somaticsniper ~prior_probability:0.001 ~theta:0.95 bam_pair;
          varscan bam_pair;]) in

Compiled to more than 3000 Ketrew targets, JSON-pipeline, …

Running Pipelnies

Runs for days, then posts to hammerlab/cycledash


The End

Thanks! Questions?

Will tweet link to the slides: @smondet.

Next Lucrative Jacket gig: March 18th, 8pm, at the Trash Bar in Brooklyn.

Error Monad With Polymorphic Variants

utop> IO.read_file;;
- : string ->
    (string, [> `IO of [> `Read_file_exn of string * exn ] ]) Deferred_result.t

utop> IO.write_file;;
- : string ->
    content:string ->
    (unit, [> `IO of [> `Write_file_exn of string * exn ] ]) Deferred_result.t

utop> System.with_timeout;;
- : float ->
    f:(unit ->
        [> `System of [> `With_timeout of float ] * [> `Exn of exn ]
         | `Timeout of float ]
        as 'error) Deferred_result.t) ->
    ('a, 'error) Deferred_result.t

Polymorphic Variants Are Awesome

utop> let dumb_copy_with_timeout ~seconds ~src ~dest =
        System.with_timeout seconds ~f:(fun () ->
            IO.read_file src
            >>= fun content ->
            IO.write_file dest ~content
val dumb_copy_with_timeout :
  seconds:float ->
  src:string ->
  dest:string ->
   [> `IO of
        [> `Read_file_exn of string * exn | `Write_file_exn of string * exn ]
    | `System of [> `With_timeout of float ] * [> `Exn of exn ]
    | `Timeout of float ])

Some OCaml Lessons Learned


  • Oasis, OCamlbuild
  • Camlp4
  • Huge Jane-Street-style libraries


  • Pure OCaml, Functors, GADTs
  • Ocsigen (minimizing the Camlp4 part)
  • Lwt with Error Monad based on Polymorphic Variants
  • Bünzli-style small libraries
  • Code Generators (ATDgen)
  • Opam

Why Not F#

Big Windows-oriented runtime but most importantly: null pointers

PS: funny that F# is at Compose but not Scala …

Why Not Haskell


  • lazy by default → difficult to reason about performance/execution
  • purity does not bring much to safety
    people use unsafePerformIO anyways + less “hackable”
  • type-classes in practice:
    used 95% of the time to make the code as unreadable as possible
  • more unreadability: need to know every possible GHC extension
    (there is even dynamic typing in there!?)
  • indentation-based grammar makes code hard to read (blocs > 7 lines)
  • does not have (AFAIK) any good subtyping mechanism

Want More GATK?

It uploads reports to AWS without your consent.

-et,--phone_home      Run reporting mode (NO_ET|AWS| STDOUT)
-K,--gatk_key           GATK key file required to run with -et NO_ET


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