Generate Your POSIX Shell Garbage

Sebastien Mondet (@smondet)

See also the PDF version, and the PDF handout.


Seb: Software Engineering / Dev Ops at the Hammer Lab.

More Classical Now

Computational Cancer Immunotherapy

  • Run big computational pipelines.
    • Servers with WebUIs, databases.
    • HPC scheduling (Torque, YARN, Google Cloud, AWS, …).
  • Deal with precious human data.
    • HDFS, (broken) disks, S3, Gcloud Buckets, NFSs.
  • Interactive exploration.
    • Direct access for the users (IPython, R, `awk | wc`, …).


  • Need to setup local/cloud/datacenter-ish infrastructure for the lab.
  • It's nobody's job.
  • Nothing seems there for the “long term.”

→ Make composable tools that allow people to setup/monitor/clean-up their own infrastructure.
(and it's more fun, and a better use of software people's time)


It always looks simple at first …

Unix.execv "/usr/bin/apt-get" [| "apt-get";"install"; "-y"; "postgresql" |]
let cmd =
  ["apt-get";"install"; "-y"; "postgresql"]
  |> ~f:Filename.quote
  |> String.concat ~sep:" "
Unix.execv "/usr/bin/ssh" [| "ssh"; host_info ; cmd |]

Who failed? ssh or apt-get?

Ketrew's SSH Call

:facepalm: after :facepalm:

DevOps 101: Install The Oracle JDK

Everybody ends-up reading some Stack-overflow answer

Bash Minus C

It's all strings after all:

What Could Go Wrong?

gcloud compute create deprecates the already dysfunctional --wait option

Write Once – Debug Everywhere™

sudo in some Debian version erases new lines …

Typed/Functional Step Back

  1. Start writing simple combinators.
  2. Add more typing info.
  3. Hit portability / representation problems.
  4. Go full-blown EDSL that compiles to pure POSIX shell.

Genspio 0.0.0

  • Simple, typed EDSL
  • Language.t is a 30+ entry GADT.
    • Boolean, Integer arithmetic + to_string/of_string + (very) basic lists.
    • if-then-else, loops.
    • exec.
    • Redirects, pipes, and captures.
    • Basic exception-like jumping.
  • Compiler to POSIX shell.
    • Either one-liners, or multi-line scripts.
    • Unreadable output by default, but tries to do better when it statically knows.


let username_trimmed : string t =
  (* The usual shell-pipe operator is ||>,
     output_as_string takes stdout from a unit t as a string t. *)
 (exec ["whoami"] ||> exec ["tr"; "-d"; "\\n"]) |> output_as_string

Now Jump!

with_failwith (fun error_function ->
  let get_user = (* the contents of `$USER`: *) getenv (string "USER") in
  (* The operator `=$=` is `string t` equality, it returns a `bool t` that 
     we can use with `if_seq`: *)
    (get_user =$= username_trimmed)
     ~t:[ (* more commands *) ]
       (* `$USER` is different from `whoami`, system is broken,
           we exit using the failwith funtion: *)
         ~message:(string "I'm dying") ~return:(int 1)

CLI Parsing

  let cli_spec =
        ~doc:"The URL to the stuff" ["-u"; "--url"]
      & flag ["-c"; "--all-in-tmp"] ~doc:"Do everything in the temp-dir"
      & string ["-f"; "--local-filename"]
        ~doc:"Override the downloaded file-name"
      & string ["-t"; "--tmp-dir"]
        ~doc:"Use <dir> as temp-dir"
        ~default:(Genspio.EDSL.string "/tmp/genspio-downloader-tmpdir")
      & usage "Download archives and decrypt/unarchive them.\n\
               ./downloader -u URL [-c] [-f <file>] [-t <tmpdir>]"
    ) in
  Command_line.parse cli_spec
    begin fun ~anon url all_in_tmp filename_ov tmp_dir ->


let on_stdin_lines ~body =
  let fresh =
    sprintf "var_%d_%s" Random.(int 10_000)
      (Genspio.Language.to_one_liner (body (string "bouh"))
       |> Digest.string |> Digest.to_hex) in
  loop_while (exec ["read"; "-r"; fresh] |> succeeds)
    ~body:(seq [
        exec ["export"; fresh];
        body (getenv (string fresh));


Nice Call

(* ... *)
    exec ["ldd"; exe]
    ||> exec ["awk"; "{ if ( $2 ~ /=>/ ) { print $3 } else { print $1 } }"]
    ||> on_stdin_lines begin fun line ->
      seq [
        call [string "printf"; string "Line %s\\n"; line];
        call [string "cp"; line; string ("/tmp" // basename)];


Under The Hood: String Representation

That's when “crazy” really means “insane.”

| Output_as_string e ->
  sprintf "\"$( { %s ; } | od -t o1 -An -v | tr -d ' \\n' )\"" (continue e)


let expand_octal s =
    {sh| printf -- "$(printf -- '%%s' %s | sed -e 's/\(.\{3\}\)/\\\1/g')" |sh}
    s in

Still Work To Do

let to_argument varprefix =
 let argument ?declaration ?variable_name argument =
 (* ... *)
 | `String (Literal (Literal.String s)) when Literal.String.easy_to_escape s ->
   argument (Filename.quote s)
 | `String (Literal (Literal.String s)) when
     Literal.String.impossible_to_escape_for_variable s ->
   ksprintf failwith "to_shell: sorry literal %S is impossible to \
                      escape as `exec` argument" s
 | `String v ->
   let variable_name = Unique_name.variable varprefix in
   let declaration =
     sprintf "%s=$(%s; printf 'x')" variable_name (continue v |> expand_octal) in
   argument ~variable_name ~declaration
     (sprintf "\"${%s%%?}\"" variable_name)

Future work: 2 string types …

C-Strings Vs Byte-arrays

In the beginning there was UNIX …

#include <stdio.h>

int main (int argc, char *argv[])

  /* Insert VULN Here */

Testing, Locally

Test tries all the shells it knows about on the current host:


* Test "dash" (`'dash' '-x' '-c' '<command>' '--' '<arg1>' '<arg2>' '<arg-n>'`):
    - 0 / 190 failures
    - time: 13.31 s.
    - version: `"Version: 0.5.8-2.1ubuntu2"`.
* Test "bash" (`'bash' '-x' '-c' '<command>' '--' '<arg1>' '<arg2>' '<arg-n>'`):
    - 0 / 190 failures
    - time: 23.37 s.
    - version: `"GNU bash, version 4.3.46(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)"`.
* Test "sh" (`'sh' '-x' '-c' '<command>' '--' '<arg1>' '<arg2>' '<arg-n>'`):
    - 0 / 190 failures
    - time: 13.59 s.
    - version: `""`.
* Test "busybox" (`'busybox' 'ash' '-x' '-c' '<command>' '--' '<arg1>' '<arg2>' '<arg-n>'`):
    - 0 / 190 failures
    - time: 8.80 s.
    - version: `"BusyBox v1.22.1 (Ubuntu 1:1.22.0-15ubuntu1) multi-call binary."`.
* Test "ksh" (`'ksh' '-x' '-c' '<command>' '--' '<arg1>' '<arg2>' '<arg-n>'`):
    - 20 / 190 failures
    - time: 14.78 s.
    - version: `"version         sh (AT&T Research) 93u+ 2012-08-01"`.
    - Cf. `/tmp/genspio-test-ksh-failures.txt`.
* Test "mksh" (`'mksh' '-x' '-c' '<command>' '--' '<arg1>' '<arg2>' '<arg-n>'`):
    - 2 / 190 failures
    - time: 25.56 s.
    - version: `"Version: 52c-2"`.
    - Cf. `/tmp/genspio-test-mksh-failures.txt`.
* Test "posh" (`'posh' '-x' '-c' '<command>' '--' '<arg1>' '<arg2>' '<arg-n>'`):
    - 2 / 190 failures
    - time: 24.40 s.
    - version: `"Version: 0.12.6"`.
    - Cf. `/tmp/genspio-test-posh-failures.txt`.
* Test "zsh" (`'zsh' '-x' '-c' '<command>' '--' '<arg1>' '<arg2>' '<arg-n>'`):
    - 20 / 190 failures
    - time: 17.94 s.
    - version: `"zsh 5.1.1 (x86_64-ubuntu-linux-gnu)"`.
    - Cf. `/tmp/genspio-test-zsh-failures.txt`.

All “known” shells were tested ☺


Testing: FreeBSD/SSH

export add_shells="
Freebsd-gcloud, escape, <cmd>,
   printf '%s' <cmd> | ssh -i ~/.ssh/google_compute_engine $(freebsd_ip_address) 'sh -x'
export only_dash=true # We don't run all the other local tests this time
export single_test_timeout=50

We get the usual report:

* Test "Freebsd-gcloud" (`printf '%s' 'askjdeidjiedjjjdjekjdeijjjidejdejlksi () { <command>  ; } ;  askjdeidjiedjjjdjekjdeijjjidejdejlksi '\''<arg1>'\'' '\''<arg2>'\'' '\''<arg-n>'\''' | ssh -i ~/.ssh/google_compute_engine 'sh -x'`):
    - 0 / 190 failures
    - time: 165.19 s.
    - version: `"Command-line"`.

Testing: OpenWRT/Qemu/SSH

qemu-system-arm -M realview-pbx-a9 -m 1024M \
                -kernel openwrt-realview-vmlinux.elf \
                -net nic  \
                -net user,hostfwd=tcp::10022-:22 \
                -nographic \
                -sd openwrt-realview-sdcard.img \
                -append "console=ttyAMA0 verbose debug root=/dev/mmcblk0p1"
root@OpenWrt:/# df -h
Filesystem                Size      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root                46.5M      2.9M     42.7M   6% /
tmpfs                   378.1M    612.0K    377.5M   0% /tmp
tmpfs                   512.0K         0    512.0K   0% /dev
* Test "OpenWRT-qemu-arm" (`printf '%s' 'askjdeidjiedjjjdjekjdeijjjidejdejlksi () { <command>  ; } ;  askjdeidjiedjjjdjekjdeijjjidejdejlksi '\''<arg1>'\'' '\''<arg2>'\'' '\''<arg-n>'\''' | ssh  -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -p 10022 root@localhost 'sh -x'`):
    - 0 / 190 failures
    - time: 800.90 s.
    - version: `"Command-line"`.

Example of Rabbit Hole

For a given shell, trying:

$shell -c ' exec 4>&3 ; echo "Exec-returns: $?"' ; echo "Shell-returns: $?"

The POSIX ones:

  • shell=dash, shell=sh, shell='busbox ash': Shell-returns: 2
  • shell=ksh, shell=mksh: Shell-returns: 1

The non-POSIX ones:

  • shell=bash, shell=zsh: Exec-returns: 1 Shell-returns: 0

→ even bash not always POSIX.


Real-world example.

  • Library of Hammerlab-like deployment lego-bricks.
    • Ketrew, Coclobas, NGinx auth, TLS tunnel
    • Let's Encrypt, GCloud DNS, …
    • “Interactive exploration containers.”
    • Kubernetes/AWS-Batch clusters.
    • Take down everything, restart partially …
  • With pre-assembled (but configurable) “examples” for GCloud, AWS, and “Local-docker” standard setups.


  • Got to “scale” Genspio:
    • Quickly hitting max length of command line argument.
    • “Standard Library” that may merge into Genspio.
    • Integration with docker-compose.
  • GCPocalypse:
    • Too easy for users to setup their own infrastructure.
    • Forgetful about cleaning up.
    • → our benefactor said it's too much
    • Fast move of all ops back to local infrastructure.


Simple “build-stuff” EDSL, compiled to a Makefile + scripts:

  • Download Qemu images.
  • Setup/start qemu VM.
  • Run recipe on the VM in a mostly restartable way.
  • Grab artifacts from the VM into a .tgz (e.g. an executable + output of ldd).

#HackyExample #WIP

Habust Recipes

 "deb-arm-emacs", Build_definition.Construct.(
   within (qemu_arm debian_wheezy) [
     exec ["apt-get"; "update"];
     exec ["apt-get"; "install"; "--yes"; "emacs23"];
     get_executable "/usr/bin/emacs" ~dest:"emacs-armv7l-bin";
 "deb-arm-ketrew", Build_definition.Construct.(
   (* ... *)
   within (qemu_arm debian_wheezy) [
     ensure (executables_available ["unzip"; "gcc"; "make"; "git"]) [
       (* ... *)
     ensure (md5 opam_bin (`Contains "46e25cc5b26")) [
       ["wget"; opam_arm7l_url; "-O"; opam_bin];
     (* ... *)
     ensure (returns_zero @@ opam_exec ["vidimetro"; "--version"]) [
       (* opam_exec ["opam"; "remove"; "--yes"; "ocamlfind"]; *)
       pin_github "ketrew";
       opam_exec ["opam"; "depext"; "--yes"; "ketrew"];
       opam_install ["ketrew"];
     get_executable (strf "/opam-root/%s/bin/ketrew" ocaml_version) ~dest:"ketrew-armv7l-bin";
    (* ... *)

Ketrew on ARM64

Silence on ARM64

Could not get the graphical apps I wanted to show:

#=== ERROR while installing uri.1.9.4 ================================#
# opam-version         1.2.2
# os                   linux
# command              jbuilder build -p uri -j 4
# path                 /opam-root/4.03.0/build/uri.1.9.4
# compiler             4.03.0
# [...]
### stderr ###
# [...]
# /tmp/camlasm6e1b43.s:445651: Error: offset out of range
# /tmp/camlasm6e1b43.s:445679: Error: offset out of range
# /tmp/camlasm6e1b43.s:445687: Error: offset out of range
# File "etc/", line 1:
# Error: Assembler error, input left in file /tmp/camlasm6e1b43.s

mantis#7608, mirage/ocaml-uri#106, janestreet/ppx_ast#3

Future Work

  • Byte-array Vs C-String type.
  • GADT Vs TTFI discussion (cf. this afternoon): we want to call the compiler within a “script” to use its output as a literal string
  • More combinators (integration of Secotrec/Habust functions).

The End
