Typed Tagless Final Bioinformatics

Sebastien Mondet (@smondet)

See also the PDF version, and the PDF handout.


Seb: Software Engineering / Dev Ops at the Hammer Lab.


Was here 2 years ago to present:

  • Ketrew: a workflow engine for complex computational pipelines.
    • EDSL/library to write programs that build workflows/pipelines
    • A separate application, The “Engine”, orchestrates those workflows
  • Biokepi: a library of Ketrew “nodes” for Bioinformatics.

Ketrew/Biokepi/Epidisco/PGV …


  • Used with GCloud/Kubernetes, AWS, YARN (incl. Spark).
  • Tyxml_js + react WebUI
  • Personalized Genomic Vaccine clinical trial (NCT02721043) → hammerlab/epidisco/

WebUI ⇒ 3.6 MB GIFs

The 1st Time, We Presented:

Cool experiment: GADT-based, very high-level pipeline EDSL.

Then, At OCaml / ICFP 2015

Cool experiment: add tools / tool-kinds:

And Soon After

Kept growing, became the default…

type _ t =
  | Fastq_gz: File.t -> fastq_gz  t
  | Fastq: File.t -> fastq  t
  | Bam_sample: string * bam -> bam t
  | Bam_to_fastq: [ `Single | `Paired ] * bam t -> fastq_sample t
  | Paired_end_sample: fastq_sample_info * fastq t * fastq t -> fastq_sample t
  | Single_end_sample: fastq_sample_info * fastq t -> fastq_sample t
  | Gunzip_concat: fastq_gz t list -> fastq t
  | Concat_text: fastq t list -> fastq t
  | Star: Star.Configuration.Align.t * fastq_sample t -> bam t
  | Hisat: Hisat.Configuration.t * fastq_sample t -> bam t
  | Stringtie: Stringtie.Configuration.t * bam t -> gtf t
  | Bwa: Bwa.Configuration.Aln.t * fastq_sample t -> bam t
  | Bwa_mem: Bwa.Configuration.Mem.t * fastq_sample t -> bam t
  | Mosaik: fastq_sample t -> bam t
  | Gatk_indel_realigner: Gatk.Configuration.indel_realigner * bam t -> bam t
  | Picard_mark_duplicates: Picard.Mark_duplicates_settings.t * bam t -> bam t
  | Gatk_bqsr: (Gatk.Configuration.bqsr * bam t) -> bam t
  | Bam_pair: bam t * bam t -> bam_pair t
  | Somatic_variant_caller: somatic Variant_caller.t * bam_pair t -> vcf t
  | Germline_variant_caller: germline Variant_caller.t * bam t -> vcf t
  | Seq2HLA: fastq_sample t -> seq2hla_hla_types t
  | Optitype: ([`DNA | `RNA] * fastq_sample t) -> optitype_hla_types t
  | With_metadata: metadata_spec * 'a t -> 'a t

Very Concise Pipelines

let crazy_example ~normal_fastqs ~tumor_fastqs ~dataset =
  let open Pipeline.Construct in
  let normal = input_fastq ~dataset normal_fastqs in
  let tumor = input_fastq ~dataset tumor_fastqs in
  let bam_pair ?gap_open_penalty ?gap_extension_penalty () =
    let normal =
      bwa ?gap_open_penalty ?gap_extension_penalty normal
      |> gatk_indel_realigner |> picard_mark_duplicates |> gatk_bqsr in
    let tumor =
      bwa ?gap_open_penalty ?gap_extension_penalty tumor
      |> gatk_indel_realigner |> picard_mark_duplicates in
    pair ~normal ~tumor in
  let bam_pairs = [
    bam_pair ();
    bam_pair ~gap_open_penalty:10 ~gap_extension_penalty:7 ();
  ] in
  let vcfs =
    List.concat_map bam_pairs ~f:(fun bam_pair ->
          mutect bam_pair;
          somaticsniper bam_pair;
          somaticsniper ~prior_probability:0.001 ~theta:0.95 bam_pair;
          varscan_somatic bam_pair;
          strelka ~configuration:Strelka.Configuration.exome_default bam_pair;

Type Information

{Merlin + Biokepi}

There's a “But”

Fancy but not that practical:

  • Pipeline.t is getting too big
    • Just compile_aligner_step is about 170 lines of pattern-matching
    • Still missing proper lambda/apply, list functions, etc.
  • Not Extensible
    • Adding new types is pretty annoying.
    • Optimization passes need to deal with whole language at once, always.
    • Optimization are not proper language transformations.

Try Again

We want what we already have + users of the library to be able to:

  • Extend the language to their needs
  • Re-use default compilers when implementing theirs
  • Write future-proof optimizations
  • Do transformations “by hand” if easier than an optimization pass

Not-Really Extensible Hacks

Tried a few experiments:

  • extensible types
    • loose a lot of the type-strength benefits
    • are not that extensible
  • basic “language” based-on GADTs and extensible bioinformatics atoms
    • could have worked further but not really extensible either


“We trivially solved that problem 20 years ago!”

QueΛ and The Course Notes


  • Oleg Kiselov emailed the OCaml mailing-list on 2015-07-15
    “The library makes SQL composable, however odd it may seem.”
  • Presenting “QueΛ”, first just some .tar.gz and draft paper; then it got to PEPM'16DOI:2847538.2847542).
  • Asked the author for an actual repo and licence
  • It uses modules and the EDSL is well typed.

Get Ready

@pveber pointed us to Oleg's course:

  • In Haskell (very concise code, very un-modular).
  • Well explained and progressive.

⇒ Follow the course; with QueΛ's help; in a Biokepi-like setting.

And We Did It

We TTFI-ed Everything

And it's more powerful:

  • More constructs: lambda/apply, list and pair functions, …
  • Easier to document.
  • Easier to maintain.
  • Extensible by the users.

And keeps growing:

 $ grep 'val ' src/pipeline_edsl/semantics.ml | wc -l

First, Quickly, With GADTs

Type Constraints + Existential Types:

type _ t =
| Int: int -> int t
| True: bool t
| False: bool t
| Equal: 'a t * 'a t -> bool t

let rec eval: type v. v t -> v =
  | Int i -> i
  | True -> true
  | False -> false
  | Equal (a, b) -> (=) (eval a) (eval b)

let () = assert (eval (Int 42) = 42)
let () = assert (eval (Equal (True, (Equal (Int 42, Int 42)))) = true)


Type Constraints + Existential Types, using module types and functors:

module type Symantics = sig
  type 'a repr
  val int: int -> int repr
  val t: bool repr
  val f: bool repr
  val equal: 'a repr -> 'a repr -> bool repr

module Eval_ocaml : Symantics with type 'a repr = 'a = struct
  type 'a repr = 'a
  let int i = i
  let t = true
  let f = false
  let equal a b = (a = b)  (* Cheating a bit *)


Type Constraints + Existential Types, using module types and functors:

module Examples (EDSL: Symantics) = struct
  let ex1 = EDSL.int 42
  let ex2 = EDSL.(equal t (equal (int 42) (int 42)))

let () =
  let module Compiled_examples = Examples(Eval_ocaml) in
  assert (Compiled_examples.ex1 = 42);
  assert (Compiled_examples.ex2 = true);

TTFI :> Bullet Points

In OCaml:

  • defintion of the language: module type Semantics
  • program: functor: Semantics -> whatever
  • compiler: module implementing Semantics
  • optimization/transformation: functor: Semantics -> Semantics
  • optimization framework: functor + GADT that implements “default behavior”

Mysteriously Useful Bit

More jargon: “observations” are useful artifacts of optimization passes:

module type Symantics = sig
  type 'a repr
  val int: int -> int repr
  val t: bool repr
  val f: bool repr
  val equal: 'a repr -> 'a repr -> bool repr
  type 'a observation
  val observe: (unit -> 'a repr) -> 'a observation

To-String Compiler

module Eval_string
  : Symantics with type 'a repr = string and type 'a observation = string
  = struct
  type 'a repr = string
  let int = string_of_int
  let t = "True"
  let f = "False"
  let equal a b = Printf.sprintf "(%s = %s)" a b
  type 'a observation = string
  let observe f = f ()

To-String Compiler

module More_examples (EDSL: Symantics) = struct
   let ex1 =
     let open EDSL in
     observe (fun () -> int 42)
   let ex2 =
     let open EDSL in
     observe (fun () ->
       equal (equal t t) (equal (int 42) (int 43))
let () =
  let module Compiled_examples = More_examples(Eval_string) in
  Printf.printf "Ex1: %s\nEx2: %s\n%!"
    Compiled_examples.ex1 Compiled_examples.ex2;
Ex1: 42
Ex2: ((True = True) = (42 = 43))

Simple Optimization Example

We can do some rewriting with functors:

module True_equal_true_true (Input: Symantics)
  : Symantics with type 'a observation = 'a Input.observation
   = struct
  include Input
  let t = Input.(equal t t)

let () =
  let module Compiled_examples = More_examples(True_equal_true_true(Eval_string)) in
  Printf.printf "Ex1: %s\nEx2: %s\n%!"
    Compiled_examples.ex1 Compiled_examples.ex2;
Ex1: 42
Ex2: (((True = True) = (True = True)) = (42 = 43))

(this works without the 'a observation thing …)

Not Enough

For more complex/interesting transformations,
what we really want is to match term with:

type _ t =
| Int: int -> int t
| True: bool t
| False: bool t
| Equal: 'a t * 'a t -> bool t
let rec transform_equal_true_true : type v. v t -> v t = function
  | Int i -> Int i
  | True -> True
  | False -> False
  | Equal (True, True) -> True (* Optimization Pass ! *)
  | Equal (a, b) ->
    Equal (transform_equal_true_true a, transform_equal_true_true b)
let () =
  assert (transform_equal_true_true (Equal (False, (Equal (True, True))))
          = (Equal (False, True)))

Optimization Framework

Some type-hackery later … A Generic Extensible Optimization Pass Generator.

module type Transformation_base = sig
  type 'a from
  type 'a term
  val fwd : 'a from -> 'a term (* reflection *)
  val bwd : 'a term -> 'a from (* reification *)
module Generic_optimizer
  (X: Transformation_base) (Input: Symantics with type 'a repr = 'a X.from)
  : Symantics with type 'a repr = 'a X.term
               and type 'a observation = 'a Input.observation = struct
    open X
    type 'a repr = 'a term            let int i = fwd (Input.int i)
    let t = fwd Input.t               let f = fwd Input.f
    let equal a b = fwd (Input.equal (bwd a) (bwd b))
    type 'a observation = 'a Input.observation (* Here we “get out” ! *)
    let observe f = Input.observe (fun () -> bwd (f ()))

Using The Optimization Framework

So we want to do | Equal (True, True) -> True:

module True_true (Input: Symantics) = struct
   module Transformation = struct
     type 'a from = 'a Input.repr
     type 'a term =
       | Unknown: 'a from -> 'a term
       | Equal: 'a term * 'a term -> bool term
       | True: bool term
     let fwd x = Unknown x
     let rec bwd : type a. a term -> a from = function
       | Unknown x -> x
       | Equal (True, True) -> Input.t
       | Equal (a, b) -> Input.equal (bwd a) (bwd b)
       | True -> Input.t
   module Language_delta = struct
     let equal a b = Transformation.Equal (a, b)
     let t = Transformation.True
   include Generic_optimizer(Transformation)(Input)
   include Language_delta

Using the Optimization Pass

Still just a functor to apply “in the chain:”

let () =
  let module Compiled = More_examples(Eval_string) in
  let module Optimized = More_examples(True_true(Eval_string)) in
  Printf.printf "Compiled: %s\nOptimized: %s\n%!"
    Compiled.ex2 Optimized.ex2


Compiled: ((True = True) = (42 = 43))
Optimized: (True = (42 = 43))


Some include, and module sub-typing magic:

module type Symantics_with_lambdas = sig
  include Symantics
  val lambda : ('a repr -> 'b repr) -> ('a -> 'b) repr
  val apply : ('a -> 'b) repr -> 'a repr -> 'b repr

module Eval_string_with_lambdas
  : Symantics_with_lambdas
    with type 'a repr = string and type 'a observation = string
  = struct
  include Eval_string
  open Printf
  let lambda f =
    let var = sprintf "x%d" (Random.int 1000) in
    sprintf "(λ %s → %s)" var (f var)
  let apply f x =
    sprintf "(%s %s)" f x

Use The Extension

module Example_with_lambdas (EDSL : Symantics_with_lambdas) = struct
  open EDSL
  let l1 = lambda (fun x -> equal x t)
  let ex1 = observe (fun () -> l1)
  let ex2 = observe (fun () -> apply l1 (equal t t))
  (* Of course still type checked:
     let ex2 = observe (fun () -> apply l1 (int 42))
     Error: This expression has type int repr
            but an expression was expected of type bool repr
            Type int is not compatible with type bool *)

let () =
  let module Compiled = Example_with_lambdas(Eval_string_with_lambdas) in
  Printf.printf "Ex1: %s\nEx2: %s\n%!"
    Compiled.ex1 Compiled.ex2
Ex1: (λ x370 → (x370 = True))
Ex2: ((λ x370 → (x370 = True)) (True = True))

Extend The Generic Optimization Thing

Soooo meta:

module Generic_optimizer_with_lambdas
  (X: Transformation_base)
  (Input: Symantics_with_lambdas with type 'a repr = 'a X.from)
  : Symantics_with_lambdas
      with type 'a repr = 'a X.term
      and type 'a observation = 'a Input.observation
  = struct
    open X
    include Generic_optimizer(X)(Input)
    let lambda f = fwd (Input.lambda (fun x -> bwd (f (fwd x))))
    let apply e1 e2 = fwd (Input.apply (bwd e1) (bwd e2))

Extend The Optimization Pass

True_true does not touch the new stuff:

module True_true_with_lambdas (Input: Symantics_with_lambdas) = struct
  module Prev_true_true = True_true(Input)
  include Generic_optimizer_with_lambdas(Prev_true_true.Transformation)(Input)
  include Previous_true_true.Language_delta

let () =
  let module Compiled = Example_with_lambdas(Eval_string_with_lambdas) in
  let module Optimized =
    Example_with_lambdas(True_true_with_lambdas(Eval_string_with_lambdas)) in
  Printf.printf "Ex2 normal: %s\nEx2 optimized: %s\n%!"
    Compiled.ex2 Optimized.ex2
Ex2 normal: ((λ x20 → (x20 = True)) (True = True))
Ex2 optimized: ((λ x921 → (x921 = True)) True)

Back To Biokepi

Fully replaced the GADT-based EDSL:

  • Compiles to:
    • Ketrew workflows.
    • JSON “provenance proofs.”
    • Display-friendly, high-level, Dot-graphs.
  • Optimizations not that useful:
    • In our application, it's mostly for display/readability purposes.

Example in Epidisco

Apply Lambdas

From PR #236:

For A Nice Display


Big (family of) pipeline(s) that drive a clinical trial and other people's analyses:

Cf. output to dot-graphs:

We actually do extend the EDSL:

  • Custom HTML “report.”
  • Custom “saving” of important artifacts.


Deal With Insanity


Minor issues:

  • Applying functors, while conceptually simple, scares beginners.
    • Though they can → PR #429.
  • Losing type variance because of the optimization framework.
    • And in our case optimization framework is useful only for display.
  • Cannot always use sub-modules because of include.
    • Hence the flat/tagged API with list_map, pair_first, pair_second, …

The End


GADT Usages